Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC
Serving A Select Clientele With Personalized Service Since 1986

Information ~ Service ~ Administration ~ Answers


Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC (CMA) helps you minimize the time you spend dealing with human resource & risk management issues and maximize the time you spend building your business.  CMA pays special attention toward protecting against financial loses, lawsuits or fines for non-compliance by providing answers to technical questions and hands-on administration.

Customer service is something that sometimes seems to have been lost in today's fast paced world.  At CMA our unparalleled dedication to service is paramount.  Whether serving our clients as administrators or advocates, CMA's integrity, expertise and attention to detail have made us the "best friend" of many businesses.  No challenge is too small nor any question unreasonable.

Our Motto:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure?  An old saying that is very applicable in today's Human Resource & Risk Management environment.  What with changing laws and changing compliance obligations as well as the need to properly handle risk the employer needs Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC for that ounce of prevention.

Originally established in 1986 to help employers implement and administrate their employee benefits, we realized that this was a great service to our clients, but there was a need to go beyond just benefits.  Our clients came to us with questions about hiring and termination procedures, COBRA compliance, leave of absences, the latest labor laws, workers' compensation issues, employee handbooks, illness and injury prevention programs, commercial business coverage, even business, retirement and estate planning.  We felt an obligation to deliver, and an opportunity to fill a need that no one else had met.  Cloud, Minturn & Associates,LLC now occupies a unique niche in the business world bringing a complete human resource & risk management back office to the employer.