Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC
Serving A Select Clientele With Personalized Service Since 1986
Covered California

Covered California's mission is to increase the number of Californians with health insurance, improve the quality of health care for all of us, reduce health care coverage costs and make sure California's diverse population has fair and equal access to quality health care. You will have the ability to choose the health plan that offers the best services at the greatest value for you – insurance that can't be dropped or denied if you have a pre-existing medical condition.


Covered California is committed to ensuring that Californians are aware of their health coverage options. Through Covered California, you will be able to get financial assistance, compare a range of health plans and choose the right one for you. We will provide information in a range of languages and in culturally relevant ways.

Covered California is conducting a marketing, outreach and educational program to help raise awareness about the new opportunities for Californians to get covered. To reach as many people as possible, Covered California will be working with a number of different partner groups to help with these educational efforts. Their expertise in reaching out and educating groups and individuals statewide will help Covered California connect with millions of uninsured Californians and transform the health insurance marketplace.