Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC
Serving A Select Clientele With Personalized Service Since 1986

How Do You Plan To Retire?

The financial services arm of Cloud, Minturn & Associates, LLC is a full-service financial consulting division dedicated to helping our clients build wealth and protect their hard-earned assets. 

As a California registered investment advisor we are completely independent, so our loyalty belongs exclusively to our clients -- not to a parent company.

Our independence enables us to establish working relationships with a number of industry-leading financial firms. 

We believe the planning process is a team effort that usually requires multiple disciplines. We are able to work with a clients existing professional advisors or suggest ones that specialized in the necessary field based on the type of planning required.

We Can Help You Prepare:

  • 401k
  • Personal Risk Management  
  • IRA Accounts
  • Retirement Planning  
  • Long Term Care Insurance
  • Life Insurance